2 (TWO) Forms of government identification include a driver's license, health card, passport, etc.
We do not bill any provincial insurance
Full ID documents are required for dispensing of controlled substance medications.
Please provide as much information as possible to understand your goals, lifestyle and current social environment.
Please provide as much information for the health practitioner to assess your request
Internation Index of Erectile Function
These questions ask about the effects that your erection problems have had on your sex life over the last four weeks. Please try to answer the questions as honestly and as clearly as you are able. Your answers will help your doctor to choose the most effective treatment suited to your condition. In answering the questions, the following definitions apply:
Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency Assessment
Listed below are some statements which people make about themselves. Read the list carefully and put a tick in the box marked YES if the statement applies to you. Tick the box marked NO if it does not apply to you. Please remember to answer every item. If you are not sure whether to answer YES or NO tick whichever answer you think is most true in general